Vote to Support Public Transportation in Kalamazoo on Nov. 2

On Nov 2, voters will be asked to approve a millage renewal of up to 0.3124 mills for five years to support the Metro’s public transportation system, including Metro Connect and Metro Share.

This is not an increase, but keeping funding levels the same from 2015. The passage of this millage request is critical to being able to continue to provide on demand  “dial-a-ride” service to residents throughout Kalamazoo County.

Throughout the pandemic, these services have been vital to help get residents to essential locations like medical appointments. When the Metro bus service was closed, Metro Connect provided During this time, Metro Connect provided more than 8,000 rides, 4,000 of which were from riders who would have normally taken the bus.

Without this local support, we will not be able to secure funding from our partners at the state and federal level. Millages currently provide 36 percent of Metro’s operating budget.

Please support the millage to help members of our community to get to jobs, education, health care, shopping, and many other activities that would otherwise not be available to them.  
